We provide a fair and open admission system that offers competitive pricing and a good value service. As a  provider of registered childcare we both encourage and actively support eligible parents/carers claiming and  taking up the childcare element of the Working Tax Credit. All fees are charged monthly in advance. 

To ensure admissions to the Group are offered on a fair and transparent basis, the waiting list is kept and  used on the following basis: 

Places for the Pre-school/Ladybird will be allocated during April for the following Autumn and Spring Term – completed applications should be returned by 31st March. For those requiring Summer Term admission,  places will be allocated during January with completed applications required by 20th December.

Fees can be requested when you contact a member of our team.

Please see our contact us page

Benefit to registered children

Advanced booking is advised, however, parents may wish to use the care facility at Buddies with  little notice. Providing a place is available you can just turn up and book in your child. Payment for this facility is required at the time of booking. 


Should you wish to cancel your child’s place, one months notice is required or you will be charged for this  period. Holidays during term time must be paid for, however, Holiday Club can be booked separately.