Health illness & Accidents

In the event of an accident, a First Aider is always in attendance and will be responsible for deciding on  appropriate action. Should your child need hospital treatment an ambulance will be called and a parent/carer contacted. A member of our team will remain with the child and will consent to medical treatment so long as  the Emergency Medical Treatment Form in this pack has been completed and signed. Should a child  become ill during a session their parent/carer will be contacted and asked to collect their child. Children should  then remain at home for at least 24 hours. Wherever possible, medication should be taken at home. If it is  necessary to take medication during sessions an Administering Medications Form must be completed and  signed. Our team members may refuse to administer medication that has not been prescribed by a GP. 

The following list contains the minimum exclusion periods from the setting for illness and disease: 

Disease Period of Exclusion

Antibiotics prescribed First 48 hours 

Chicken Pox Until all spots have crusted over 

Conjunctivitis None unless an outbreak/cluster occurs 

Cryptosporidiosis 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea 

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting 48 hours from last episode 

Diphtheria Exclusion essential – contact HPA 

Gastro-enteritis, Food poisoning,  

Salmonella and Dysentery 48 hours from last episode of vomiting 

Glandular Fever None 

Hand Foot and Mouth disease None 

Hepatitis A 7 days from onset of jaundice and when recovered Hepatitis B None 

Impetigo 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment Measles 4 days from when rash first appeared 

Meningitis Until certified well 

Mumps 5 days from onset of swelling  

Pediculosis (lice) None 

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 21 days from onset or 5 days from commencement of antibiotics Poliomyelitis Until certified well 

Ringworm Not usually required 

Rubella (German Measles) 6 days from onset of rash 

Scabies Until treatment has been given 

Scarlet fever 24 hours from commencement of antibiotic treatment Shingles If rash is weeping and cannot be covered 

Slapped cheek/fifth disease Once rash has developed 

/Parvovirus B19 

Tuberculosis Until declared free from infection by a doctor Typhoid Fever Until declared free from infection by a doctor Warts (including verrucae) Exclusion not necessary. Sufferer should keep feet covered. 

If an infectious or communicable disease is detected on the premises parents/carer will be informed in writing as soon as possible. 

All accidents and incidents regarding a child,s health and safety are logged in the Accident or Incident  Record book and parents are requested to sign to acknowledge the incident and any action taken by team  members. Any injuries a child has on arrival at the setting will also be recorded in the accident/incident book  and again parents will be asked to sign. Incoming accidents are noted purely for team awareness and are  not recorded for any other purpose.