
The welfare of the children is paramount and we are committed to protecting all the children in our care. A member of our team is appointed as the Safeguarding Children’s Officer. If it is suspected that a child in our care has  been or is in danger of being abused, the local social services department will be informed. Written and verbal  information and evidence may be disclosed in order to assist social services and the police, during any  investigation. If a member of our team is accused of abuse they are likely to be suspended during the period  of investigation. 

At all times the safety, protection and interest of the child will take precedence.

Equal Opportunities

All children are respected and their individuality recognised, valued and nurtured. We aim to provide an  environment that promotes and reflects cultural and social diversity and is equally accessible to all. We endeavour to challenge any offensive behaviour, language or attitudes with regards to race, ethnicity, nationality, class,  religion, culture, gender, language, sexual orientation and disability.

Children with Additional Needs

We recognise the wide range of individual needs of children and will endeavour to meet these needs. Our  premises have been designed to be accessible to all. Children with additional needs and/or physical  disabilities are fully considered when planning and preparing activities to ensure their needs are met.  Children of all abilities are brought together so that they are free to play together, learn about one another and form friendships. Our fully operational sensory room enhances our ability to stimulate a broad spectrum  of additional needs.